College Committee - HUM


2:00-3:30 in Brown 105
Course requests
  Modern Greek H250
  English 265, 266, 268 - guest Lee Martin

Present: Bunker, Childs, Lowry, Tebben, Jacobs, Renkin, Mercerhill

  1. October 20 minutes approved
  1. Curricular Proposals 
    1. English 265 series – approved

                                                               i.      Intention was to propose for Literature GEC only

    1. Modern Greek H250 – Sent back

                                                               i.      Will topic be dropped from Classics H223? If not, how are students going to be prevented from taking both?

                                                             ii.      Which GEC? No GEC request form was submitted

                                                            iii.      200 level courses are not typically applied to major programs

                                                           iv.      Syllabus           

1.      Assignments – page 1 – needs to mention final exam

2.      Grade drops 1/3 from A to A-, clarify language

3.      give examples of paper topics

                                                             v.      Rationale – needs to mention that 2nd syllabus submitted is for comparison purposes

                                                           vi.      Class distribution – 5 days or 2, 2 hour classes?

                                                          vii.      Honors proposal form title does not match course request form

  1. Assessment
    1. Reports have not been posted on intranet yet
    2. Process is to look at how assessment can help with departmental needs
    3. Need to raise awareness of how HUM is engaged in assessment processes
    4. Committee members posed many questions:

                                                               i.      What can we use the assessment for?

                                                             ii.      How can we streamline the process?

                                                            iii.      How are we going to ensure diversity in the process? Assessment needs to be framed by departmental/program mission, goals & objectives

                                                           iv.      How do you measure how much a student has learned over 4 years?

                                                             v.      How can assessment be used to address grade inflation?

    1. Departments have set up committees for assessment purposes, Undergraduate Studies Directors working on Major Program assessment
    2. Ideas for assessment

                                                               i.      E-portfolios via Carmen – students upload papers

                                                             ii.      E-SEIs – add questions in dialogue box that address student effort

    1. ASC Exit Survey

                                                               i.      Deb working with Undergraduate Directors on major based questions

Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
English 265 Writing Fiction Change Request Completed
English 266 Beginning Poetry Workshop Change Request Completed
English 268 Writing of Creative Nonfiction I Change Request Completed
Modern Greek H250 National and Ethnic Identities in Ancient and Modern Greece New Registrar's Office N/A