3-5PM Smith Lab 4187
First Hour:
1. Approval of 10/04 minutes
2. BA in Music
3. BM and BME in Music
Second Hour:
4. History of Art 201-202
5. Music 674
6. Dance 859
7. Concurrence Issues
8. Transfer admissions
Present: Fox, Harvey, Simcox, Haase, Cruttenden, Thompson, Tupman, Palazzi, Ward, Hallihan, Wyszomirski, Mockabee
1. Welcome
2. Introductions
3. Explanation of info packet (also available electronically)
4. CCI Update
A. VPA approved on 9/28
B. GEC Visualization Committee underway Bob Ward, Bebe Miller and Mark Shanda are 3 voting Arts faculty members on CCI
C.Tagged Degree taskforce met, composed of all : putting together a response to GEC template and implications for credit reductions
5. Recruitment Schedule and Update (Kathy Simcox) see handout
A. Booth at student involvement fair very successful
B. New recruitment folders and materials included
Conducting student tours of COTA
10/19 and 11/2 Honors student visits
College will reimburse units for those who wish to travel to recruitment fairs
6. Art Ed 764 – revised and resubmitted
A. Q: Are all concurrences there? MAPS is sending a support letter (Harris Cagan part of group) Anthro and CRP have concurred. Get one from Comp Studies?
B. Reword phrasing for Attendance penalties, make more specific (Ex. “by one letter within each grading category, e.g. A to A-“), include a grading scale so as to protect faculty from grade appeals
Student responsibility – if a student has a medical emergency and cannot contact professor, what is mechanism – really no set method, but many ways it can be done
Motion to Approve: Bob Ward, Mandy 2nd Vote: All in favor.
7. Dance 648, 845, 846, 847 course change discussion
Concurrences to music?!? Perhaps flip title or Choreography and Sound?
Context: in process of reconfig Choreography track to reflect new faculty contributions
Val will do cover letter for this packet on context
Needs grading scales for projects
Absence grading scale unclear “for each addtl absence over 10%”?
Needs Participation statement
“III Requirements” not all reqs. match elements grading scale
Due dates for projects?
WEEK TEN: 5 class times? Include “WEEK ELEVEN”
Why is there an assignment to attend a departmental meeting? And Why in week 4?
What is “lab day” and “first studies”? Lack of clarity in topical requirements outline
845 Requirements and grading scale. Scale based on quantitative but reqs are qualitative. Need a grading scale. Percentage vs. points – 2 different grading systems going
Absence statement needs revision like 648
IV – don’t promote one bookstore over another
Bib: newer edition than 1987 of Apel
Performance options are not clear (one of each? All?)
Requires a book, but when are readings? Perhaps list calendar as topic, assignment sts need to do and when projects are due in a more organized way. Use tables function to organize? Discussion: Assignment: Due Dates: cross reference with reqs and grading?
846 Bib: update 3rd entry
Relate % grading to point system
Absence statement
Objectives: delete last bullet “an appreciation/awareness of the diversity of approaches”? did not like “understanding”
Participation statement
Needs explanation of what is in journal, writing assignment, written responses – how are these the same? Different?
Is this the same as 648??? Can syllabus be different for 846? How are they different? 846 focus on 20th c?
847 “StraTegies”
Similar grading issues as above courses
Participation blurb needs revision
Be more specific on reading assignments (page numbers – see WK TWO for example)
What is “lab process”
What is relationship between grading, journal entries, and final paper? V. Grading seems like an assessment rubric on how each assignment is graded, but what is each assignment worth?
Music Major Revisions: heads up to committee BM & BME faculty have signed off, Val has looked at BA multiple times
Motion to Adjourn (Bob Ward) 2nd Val, All in favor.
Documents | |
COTA CCC 11-1.doc | 03/05/2008 04:11:01 PM |
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
Design | 525 | Interior Design Detailing and Construction Documentation | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Theatre | 300 | Fundamentals of Television Broadcasting | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Music | 201 | Applied Music (Principal) | Change | Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Pending | |
Music | Music Major Program Revision-BA | Program | Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | ||
Music | Proposal to Modify Core Requirements for all Undergraduate Music Majors and GEC Requirements for all BM and BME Degrees | Program | Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | ||
History of Art | 201 | History of Western Art I: The Ancient and Medieval Periods | Change | Request Completed | ||
History of Art | 202 | History of Western Art II: Europe and the United States, Renisaissance to Modern | Change | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Music | 244 | African-American Musical Traditions | Change | College Committee - ARTS | Sent Back |