
History of Art
Course Number
Course Title
History of Western Art I: The Ancient and Medieval Periods
Effective Term
Effective Year
Contact Email
GE Category
Historical Study
Request Completed 03/31/2008
Registrar's Office Pending 01/18/2008
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Pending 01/15/2008
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean Approved 01/14/2008
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Approved 11/15/2007
College Committee - ARTS Approved with Contingency 11/01/2007
Request Initiated 10/29/2007

Rec'vd 11-19-07: "Peter Hahn, History's Chair, asked me to respond to you on his behalf. You have requested concurrence to the Department of History of Art's request to include its HA 201 and HA 202 in the GEC Historical Studies Category. As you might imagine, this Department wants togive a thorough review to the request. Yet the request comes at the end of the quarter when faculty (who make up our Undergraduate Teaching Committee) have many things to do. We can not meet the Nov 29th deadline for response. I request that action be delayed until early Winter Quarter, when my Committee has an opportunity to give the two courses the attention they need.

Joseph H. Lynch, Chair of History Undergrad Teaching Committee"

November 29, 2007
Concurrence request sent to History 11-16-07. November 16, 2007
Administrative Contingency approved by Mockabee 11/07/07. November 07, 2007
Administrative request for revision sent to florman.4 11/06/2007. November 06, 2007

1. Disability font 14 or 16?  Lisa will check and make 16

            2.  Alter wording for last sentence on question 2, p.3

            3. Rephrase Q 4 (p. 3-4) more positively, don’t weaken argument

            4. Needs participation paragraph – already has expanded statement (2             paragraphs)

            5.  Suggestion: Grading criteria?  General scoring rubric/guidelines for     assignments/ breakdown of how a paper is scored (20% grammar, 60%     content…) “Paper will address student Historical Study outcomes”

November 05, 2007
Hist Art 201 202 Cover memo.doc 10/29/2007 01:14:01 PM
Hist Art 201 GEC Summary Sheet.pdf 10/29/2007 01:14:21 PM
Hist Art 201syllabus.doc 10/29/2007 01:40:11 PM
Hist Art 201 202 Assessment.doc 10/29/2007 01:40:59 PM
201&2HSGEC.doc 11/07/2007 03:52:05 PM
201syllabus.doc 11/07/2007 03:52:18 PM
CL.HA201-2 GEC.pdf 11/16/2007 11:16:31 AM
Hist Art 201 Course Change Request-signed.pdf 01/15/2008 09:58:58 AM
Hist Art H201-202 Letter from Merijn Vand DerHeijden 10-8-08.doc 11/24/2008 01:16:31 PM