Time: 1:00-3:00p.m.
Location: 226 University Hall
[sorry the listings are doubled, this is a hiccup in our system]
1. Modern Greek 200 (returning)
2. Wom Stds 320 (returning)
3. Italian 692 (returning) [If we have time:]
4. History 534.08, 341, 539
5. Chinese 800
6. Women's Studies 524
7. Philo 431 & 631 change requests
1-11-08 226 University Hall
Present: Lisa Shabel, Chris Highley, Franklin Proano, Deb Lowry, Kate Hallihan, Todd Bitters, Ron Severtis, Ana Grotans, Randy Roth,
1. Discussion of revisions to “Syllabi” document
Suggested revisions based on current ASC web guidelines:
a) delete call # requirement
b) state on syllabus where course materials have been ordered but not where to buy them
c) Philosophy faculty would like to go on record that they do not feel there should have to have a weekly schedule in the syllabus
d) include film screening information if applicable (where films are to be viewed and if not in the classroom during class time, where and when and/or where and how do students access the films
e) Reading Assignments: As the committee’s basic concern is the appropriateness of the level of work expected, there is no need to expect sample syllabi to list exact page numbers in reading assignments (although if they do, that is fine.) How then do we indicate reading load & level? Suggestion to note in the proposal the general amount of reading on average and justify any unusually high or low levels of reading.
f) Exam description: specify the general format (i.e. take-home, comprehensive mid-term, etc.) but not necessary to describe in detail the format and length for exams
g) Papers:specify length generally but detailed descriptions can be listed as “TBA”
h) Grading information: grading breakdown is required, “grading scale” is not required
2. Modern Greek 200 Approved with Contingency
A) Concerns have been addressed in letter and revisions/additions have been made. Committee is satisfied with changes.
B) Need to choose one GEC category (other than diversity) according to ASC rules. Kate will call and get a decision from proposer.
3. Women’s Studies 320 Approved
· Concerns have been addressed in letter and revisions/additions have been made. Committee is satisfied with changes.
4. Italian 692 Approved
· Concerns have been addressed in letter and revisions/additions have been made. Committee is satisfied with changes.
5. History 534.08 Approved with contingency Kate to follow up. of adding page length range for papers and obtaining concurrence from
A) Suggested to send other two History syllabi as examples for revision of writing assignments; Recommendation to include a length range for the papers.
B) Is title misleading?
C) Inform Matt Goldish, Jewish Studies Director of
D) Convey information to proposer of suggested title change but note that this is neither a requirement nor contingency.
6. History 341 sent back Kate will follow up
A) Automatically has Historical Study GEC status, but if it is to be in the International Diversity GEC category, it would need GEC form, rationale, and course assessment plan, and appropriate GEC nomenclature in syllabus (including specifying how it can be counted as an International Diversity course).
7. History 539 Approved
A) Committee felt this was a model syllabus
8. Chinese 800 Approved with Contingency
A) Proposal to increase credit level based on what is already happening in the course. Rationale clearly outlines the workload, but it might help to put these expectations in the syllabus (incorporated as time and work expectations articulating weekly intensive research assignments) as well to reinforce the need for the increased credit level. This will clarify the justified change for future committees, expediting the approval process, as well as make the expectations more transparent for the students.
9. WS 524 Approved moves to Sub-B
A) Trying to attract more students by applying for GEC status and lowering pre-reqs. It may provide an incentive, even for honors students, to take the course.
10. Philosophy 431 & 631 Approved
A) Committee very favorably impressed with proposals and Don Hubin’s explanation of the changes.
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
Modern Greek | 200 | Athens: The Modern City | New | Request Completed | ||
Womens Studies | 320 | Topics in Women's Studies | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Romance Linguistics | 692 | The Romance Languages | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
French | 692 | The Romance Languages | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Italian | 692 | The Romance Languages | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
History | 534.08 | The Jewish Experience in Latin America | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
History | 341 | The Silk Road: Commerce and Culture in Eurasia 200 BCE-1498 CE | New | Graduate School (GS) | Pending | |
History | 539 | Sibera in the World | New | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Chinese | 800 | Bibliography and Research Methodology | Change | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Womens Studies | 524 | Women and Work | Change | Graduate School (GS) | Pending | |
Philosophy | 431 | Ethical Theory | Change | Registrar's Office | Pending | |
Philosophy | 631 | Advanced Ethical Theory | Change | Registrar's Office | Pending |