Status | ||
Request Completed | 12/04/2017 | |
Registrar's Office | Approved | 12/04/2017 |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | 12/01/2017 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 12/01/2017 |
Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2 | Approved | 11/29/2017 |
Arts and Humanities Subcommittee 2 | N/A | 10/04/2017 |
Request Initiated | 09/28/2017 |
Notes | ||
Administrative | 12-1-17: Rec'd updated syllabus from S |
December 01, 2017 |
Administrative | 12-1-17: Advanced course to ASC |
December 01, 2017 |
Administrative | 11-30-17: Resubmitted with new transcript abbreviation "Intro to Arts Mgmt" and new course description "This Introduction to Arts Management is a survey of non-profit and for profit arts management topics and issues. Students will examine members of the creative sector in various fields within the arts and cultural sector and what their impact is on the global marketplace. Using scholarly articles and various media, students will identify examples of these individuals around the world." bv |
December 01, 2017 |
Administrative | 11-10-17: Resubmitted with new title: "Introduction to Arts Management." bv |
November 22, 2017 |
Administrative | 10-10-17: Meeting minutes sent to Shari |
October 10, 2017 |
Documents | |
Art Edu 2100 New Course.pdf | 09/28/2017 09:32:54 AM |
Art Edu 2100 Revised 11-10-17.pdf | 11/21/2017 11:58:40 AM |
12.1.17.Goldberg-Miller.Introduction-to-Arts-Management-Syllabus.docx | 12/01/2017 02:04:57 PM |