Status | ||
College Committee - MAPS | Approved with Contingency | 02/28/2007 |
Request Initiated | 01/17/2007 |
Notes | ||
Administrative | Response by D Andereck March 2007: Why split the hours between 885 and 999? Why not just 999 all thr way through? 999 has no limit on hours |
February 26, 2009 |
Administrative | Statement of justification from C Jekeli 2/28/07: Typical research projects are funded by external sources over multiples years (usually 3). Typical research efforts by graduate students workign on a PhD degree is 4 years. During 2-3 years of this time a student will not be taking classroom courses, but mainly devote time to research. We may anticipate 7 quarters of exclusive research at a minimum. With an average credit hour load of 16 cr/qtr that amounts to 112 credits. Singe the GRA appointment is a 50% appt, about half of these credits should be assigned to GeolSci885, while the other half would be assigned to GeolSci999. Repeatability of this course up to maximum number of 60 credits is therefore a reasonable limit. (M.S. students would not usually attain this upper limit). |
February 26, 2009 |
Contingency | MAPS CC approved with contingencies 2/28/07-
June 22, 2007 |
Documents | |
Earth Science 885.pdf | 01/17/2007 11:24:26 AM |