Status | ||
Registrar's Office | N/A | 07/17/2007 |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Pending | 07/12/2007 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 07/11/2007 |
College Committee - MAPS | Approved with Contingency | 05/30/2007 |
Request Initiated | 05/18/2007 |
Notes | ||
Contingency | Item 3b. is addressed by directing attention to the following
six observations:
1. Grouping ECE and MCE AIDS the advisors: ECE grouping of 105-107 & MCE grouping of 108-213 makes life easier for the advisors.
2. MCE already has 148 as a prerequisite; similarly ASC Interdisc. has 150 or 152 as a prerequisite.
3. Similarly. prerequisites for
117 are 148 or 150
504 are 568 or 580 or 507
Thus there is already a smoothly running prerequisite structure (with higher numbered courses being a prerquisite for a lower numbered course) in place.
4. The Marthematics Department wants to retain the 150 numbers for flexibility in the future relative to other potentialcalculus options.
5. Having Math 150 as a prerequisite, the Math 108 sequence should --properly speaking -- be located between Math 150 and Math 151. However, there do not exist integers between 150 and 151.
6. Last, but not least, we don't want the numbering to be different from that used by the regional campuses.
Item 3c.
Item 3c. is addressed by directing attention to Mollie Blackburn's
e-mail (copied below) which answers the questions recorded in the
MAPSCC minutes:
Dear Ulrich Gerlach:
This letter is to confirm the approval by the Middle Childhood Education M.Ed. program in the School of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and Human Ecology, across the five campuses, for the new course sequence Math 108, 109, 110, 111, and 212 that is proposed to be offered beginning Autumn Quarter 2008. In our meeting on April 26, 2007, the faculty considered and approved the proposed sequence listed above. Our approval depends on the understanding that the above sequence does not replace math 105, 106, 107 and 117 for students entering the Middle Childhood Education M.Ed. program.
By this we mean that students specializing in math in the Middle Childhood Education M.Ed. program can meet the their course requirements by taking,among other courses, the following:
* either 105 or 108;
* either 106 or 109;
* 107, 116, 255, or 110;
* 117, 151, or 111;
* Stats 135, 145, or the combination of 427 and 428.
We understand that students fulfilling these requirements on the Columbus campus will take 108, 109, 110, 111, and 145. Intellectually, we support this series of courses for all pre-service middle childhood teachers of mathematics. However, we recognize the need of regional campuses to havemore flexibility in order to fill their classes. That is, they need to be able to offer 105, 106, 107, and 117 so that these courses may serve both elementary and middle school pre-service teachers. Moreover, because thestate has approved those courses, we cannot delete them from the approved courses list. Therefore, we support the new course sequence with the understanding that it does not eliminate the option of students to fulfill the requirements with the old series, even if this option is pragmatically limited to regional campuses.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the Middle ChildhoodMasters of Education programs support of the sequence.
Mollie Blackburn
July 09, 2007 |
Documents | |
Math 108 New Course Request.pdf | 05/18/2007 10:20:59 AM |
Math 108 - Syllabus.doc | 05/18/2007 10:23:46 AM |
MC Courses- ASC Concurrence.pdf | 05/18/2007 10:29:32 AM |
MC Courses- EHE Concurrence.pdf | 05/18/2007 10:31:31 AM |
MC Courses- Folden Support.doc | 05/18/2007 10:32:58 AM |
MC Courses - Rationale5.doc | 05/31/2007 10:52:49 AM |