Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022)


  1. Approval of 04/01/2022 and 04/15/2022 Minutes
  2. Health and Rehabilitation Science 4000 (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World, with Team-teaching High Impact Practice; also requesting 100% DL) (return)TABLED
  3. Health and Rehabilitation Science 4590 (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World; also requesting 100% DL) (return) TABLED
  4. WGSS 3200 (existing course previously approved for 100%DL; requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) TABLED
  5. International Studies 3350 (existing course with GE Historical Study, GE Social Science—HNER, and GE Diversity—Global Studies; previously approved for 100%DL; requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) TABLED
  6. Agricultural Systems Management & HCS 3585 + (optional lab) Agricultural Systems Management & HCS 3586 (new cross-listed courses requesting new GE Theme Sustainability; also requesting Team-teaching High Impact Practice if both 3585 and 3586 are taken)
  7. Food Science and Technology & FABE 3400 (existing cross-listed courses requesting new GE Theme Sustainability, with Team-teaching High Impact Practice)
  8. History 2702 (existing course with GE Historical Study & GE Diversity—Global Studies; requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability) (return)
  9. FABE 3210 + 3211 (new courses requesting new GE Theme Sustainability, with Team-teaching High Impact Practice)
  10. Comparative Studies 4420 (new course requesting GE Theme Sustainability)
  11. Public Health: Environmental and Health Sciences 3310 (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability & Lived Environments; also requesting 100% DL)
  12. Agricultural Communication 2330 (new course requesting new GE Theme Lived Environments, with Research and Creative Inquiry High Impact Practice)
  13. AAAS 3260 (existing course with GE Diversity—Global Studies; requesting new GE Theme Lived Environments)
ASCC Themes Panel Approved Minutes 04-29-2022.docx 08/04/2022 01:39:51 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (MED) 4000 Application of Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Change Request Completed
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (MED) 4590 Global Health Inequalities: An Introductory Course Change Request Completed
History 2702 Food in World History Change Request Completed
Comparative Studies 4420 Cultural Food Systems and Sustainability New Request Completed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3200 Breaking the Law: An Introduction to Gender Justice Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
International Studies 3350 Introduction to Western Europe Change Request Completed
Agricultural Systems Management (FAES) 3585 Digital Agriculture New Request Completed
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 3400.01 Sustainability of the Food Supply Chain Change Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3400.01 Sustainability of the Food Supply Chain Change Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3210 Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering New Request Completed
Horticulture and Crop Science (FAES) 3585 Digital Agriculture New Request Completed
Horticulture and Crop Science (FAES) 3586 Digital Agriculture with Laboratory New Request Completed
Agricultural Systems Management (FAES) 3586 Digital Agriculture with Laboratory New Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3211 Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering Laboratory New Request Completed
Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences (PBH) 3310 Current Issues in Global Environmental Health Change Request Completed
Agricultural Communication (FAES) 2330 Public Perceptions of Agricultural and Environmental Issues New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3260 Global Black Cultural Movements Change Request Completed