Natural and Mathematical Sciences Subcommittee


  1. Approval of 8-29-24 minutes
  2. EEOB 4420 (existing course requesting to drop Honors status—as well as adjusting course description and prerequisites)
  3. Food Science and Technology 1200 (existing course with GEN Foundation Natural Sciences; previously approved for Hybrid; now requesting 100% DL—as well as change to course description, course goals, and course topics) previously approved version is here
  4. Astronomy 3810 (new course) (return)
  5. Astronomy 3350 (existing course with GEL Data Analysis and GEN Foundation Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning [or Data Analysis]; request to remove all GEL and GEN, increase credit hours/add lab component, adjust prerequisites and course description)
  6. Earth Sciences 5201 (new course) (return)
  7. Earth Sciences 2207 (new course requesting 100% DL and GEN Theme Origins and Evolution)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Earth Sciences 5201 Introduction to Seismology New Request Completed
Astronomy 3810 Order of Magnitude Astronomy New Request Completed
Astronomy 3350 Methods of Astronomical Observation and Data Analysis Change Request Completed
Earth Sciences 2207 Dead Ends and Dinosaurs: A History of Earth and Life New Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) N/A
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology 4420 Tropical Field Studies Change Natural and Mathematical Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 1200 The Science of Cooking Change Natural and Mathematical Sciences Subcommittee N/A