Present: Childs, Renkin, Highley, Heiden, Bitters, Mercerhill, Tebben, Lowry, Bunker
- English 878 – approved
- State specifically that the final paper is due during finals week on all syllabi – Jess to add, Chris to inform faculty
- Korean 655 – approved
- 2nd syllabus submitted
- Non-concurrence issue cleared up to satisfaction of all parties
- Latin 801 – approved
- Jessica to correct the course request form so that it matches the syllabus
- Somali 101-104
- Guest – Dr. Mpundai
- Recommended that some other languages are put into the proposal that are more well known (ie German) but have fewer speakers
- Class size will be limited to 25 students as in other languages
- List what the other courses are that have gone from Title 6 to departmental funding
- Course objectives seem to be consistent for all 4 levels, is there a distinction between them? Is there a way to separate these out?
- Recommended that the “240 items” section out of the course goals and that distinct course goals be written for each level
- Recommended that separate course descriptions be written for each course
- The next draft of the proposal will be reviewed by Deb Lowry before coming back to committee
- Add some examples of the other languages that hire adjunct lecturers to teach them to help set the context for the staffing
- Consider adding information about the pilot courses into the proposal
- Comparative Studies 357 – sent back
- Final exam statement needs to be made in syllabus
- Send for History & English concurrence
- Request for more information about how films will delivered
- Question of why Globalization Studies is being done
- Concern expressed over what the curriculum committee’s function is – to move things forward or larger curriculum concerns about expanding curricular offerings
- Committee needs information about the vision of Interdisciplinary Program development
- Insight Areas
- Discussion of proposals currently being reviewed in CCI
- Request for numbers on potential impact
- Send thoughts on the proposal to Chris